Haendel: Watermusic

Teatro Sociale

Händel 's Watermusic is probably along with Johann Sebastian Bach's Brandenburg Concertos the most famous instrumental work of the German Baroque. Composed to celebrate King George I and to be performed on barges along the Thames (hence the title), this glorious music features a large orchestra with trumpets, horns, oboes, timpani, flutes and strings. Watermusic consists of 3 suites for orchestra, in which sections are alternated between each other moving from the sweetest and tenderest melodies to the wildest dance movements. The meticulous German writing blends with the taste for French dance and creates compositions of an over-the-top level. Playbill Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759) Watermusic HWV348-349-350 . . . Locatelli Ensemble Thomas Chigioni direction


Roberta Bruzzone. Favole da incubo

Teatro Donizetti

Viaggio nella manipolazione affettiva morale Ten of the most shocking crime cases in recent years. The criminologist who has always been on the front lines against violence against women. A lucid and necessary analysis of the gender stereotypes that have caused these foretold tragedies, in order to defeat them once and for all. Males are smart, females are useful. Males are "designed" to lead, females to care. Men must provide financially for the family and achieve in work, women must stay at home. These are just some of the most common gender stereotypes that still permeate our culture. Do you think they are largely legacies of an outdated past? No not at all. Gender stereotypes are among us, every day. And no, they are by no means "harmless," as many seem to consider them. Through the reconstruction of ten of the most shocking cases of feminicide in recent years, Roberta Bruzzone analyzes the main cultural and social preconceptions that have operated in these unconscionable, yet real, events. Stereotypes, prejudices and taboos that were obeyed by a little bit of everyone: the victims, the murderers, public opinion and even the media that covered them. The picture that emerges is not consoling: sexist ideas are still very much ingrained, in each of us, regardless of economic and cultural status. Far be it from me to judge, but lucidly and without discounting anyone, Nightmarish Fables intends to help us become aware of those voices that speak within us, pushing us still, in spite of ourselves, to make gender distinctions in everyday life. Because becoming aware is the first, necessary step to begin to unhinge these mental patterns and make sure that such horrible crimes no longer find a soil in which to take root, grow and reproduce. Intervening in time to stop the escalation is possible, and more importantly, it is possible to trigger the profound cultural change that can end violence against women once and for all. Playbill by and with Roberta Bruzzone
