With six of the seven titles on the bill scheduled at the Teatro Sociale in Upper Town, Altri Percorsi, which has always been a showcase of different ways of doing theatrical research using multiple means and expressive languages, will be under the banner of young actors. Particularly so are the shows that open and close the review where a great choral force emerges. King Lear died in Moscow is a precious show: eight young artists, led by Argentine director César Brie, tell the story of the Jewish Goset Theater founded in Moscow in 1919 by director Aleksandr Granovsky and painter-scenographer Marc Chagall. A theater that Stalin destroyed by assassinating the actor-directors who led it.
A different register is chosen by Veronica Cruciani for the twelve young students of the Scuola Filodrammatici di Milano in the staging of The Trials by English playwright Dawn King: here we find ourselves in the near future, in which young people, little more than teenagers, are called upon to take an active part in the trials of adults who are accused of having committed crimes against sustainability.
Reality enters the review forcefully with a lunge on the theme of justice, thanks to the play Nell’occhio del labirinto. Apology of Enzo Tortora, a debut work by playwright Chicco Dossinel, staged by the Cooperative Theater with the performance of talented young actor Simone Tudda. Present for the first time in Altri Percorsi, the Menoventi company takes the viewer into labyrinths of meaning: in Odradek, a contemporary fairy tale inspired by Gunther Anders and Franz Kafka, one enters the home of an ordinary woman who finds herself enveloped in a spiral of online orders and wishes that are fulfilled even before they are requested. A welcome return will be that of Teatro La Ribalta, which returns to Bergamo with The Queen’s Mirror directed by Antonio Viganò: a reflection on the beauty that is contained in everyone’s diversity. The next edition of Altri Percorsi will also have a window on classical theater with Amphitryon, a show by Teatro Kismet already scheduled in 2020 and then canceled due to the pandemic. Finally, at the Donizetti Theater, the following will be staged. Amore by Pippo Delbono, a show

which asks nothing except to sit back and let the world of fado take you by the hand, with its rhythm, its dance, its song, accompanied by the dreamlike and emotional visions of its creator.


As a result of the continuing health emergency caused by the spread of Covid-19, which currently calls for the closure of performance venues to the public, and the uncertainty of when the theaters may reopen, the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti is forced to reschedule its 2020/2021 Theater Season programs and consequently cancel the related season ticket campaign.

With subscriptions for the 2020/2021 Season suspended, the subscription campaign will resume in the following Season, 2021/2022, keeping the subscriptions from the last Season staged valid.

The Foundation is already working to think about new programming that will not include season tickets, but only the sale of individual tickets for each of the dates on the calendar, will be presented as soon as the situation allows for planning in serenity and in full compliance with current health protocols.


Check out the Foundation'sfree app to conveniently browse the program and get real-time trivia, updates, news, information and... more!


Teatro Sociale
Odradek is a contemporary fairy tale inspired by the warnings of Gunther Anders and the whims of Franz Kafka. In the home of M, an ordinary woman holed up in the domestic comfort zone, every wish is ...


Teatro Donizetti
The project was born out of the meeting and friendship between Pippo Delbono and Italian theater producer Renzo Barsotti, who has been active in Portugal for years, and their desire to make a show to...

With the support of

Main partner

Contributed by.

Technical partner

Special thanks to

Intesa Sanpaolo
which supports the activities of the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti with Art Bonus

For the Theater Season we thank the following.

A2A Environment
which supports the Season
with Art Bonus

Media partners

Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti coloro che sostengono l’attività della Fondazione Teatro Donizetti tramite Art Bonus

A2A • ATB Mobilità • Sacbo • Uniacque
e agli Ambasciatori di Donizetti

Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti coloro che sostengono l’attività della Fondazione Teatro Donizetti tramite Art Bonus

A2A • ATB Mobilità • Sacbo • Uniacque

e agli Ambasciatori di Donizetti