The Covid-19-related health emergency has hit the City and Province of Bergamo hard.

The Italian jazz world mobilized to give support to Bergamo Jazz Festival and all the people of Bergamo: many were the musicians and jazz festivals, gathered under the I-Jazz association, who virtually huddled with Bergamo Jazz in February, March and April 2020 to promote the initiative “Italian jazz for Bergamo – #jazz4bergamo,” a campaign in favor of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital and the City. Through the artists’ contributions, great support for fundraising promoted by the non-profit Cesvi Foundation.

The music never stopped: musical contributions, streaming concerts, video-messages from all over Italy and the world to express closeness and solidarity.

Symbol of the campaign the streaming concert of Noa and Gil Dor.

The complete collection of contributions and video messages from artists, including some guests of Bergamo Jazz editions, dear friends of the Festival.