The Owl Detective, a compelling step-by-step journey through the streets of Città Alta to unearth the key words that will help you write the libretto for Gaetano Donizetti’s next opera.
Don’t believe it?
Il gufo investigatore, a compelling step-by-step journey through the streets of Upper Town to unearth the key words that will help you write the libretto for Gaetano Donizetti’s next opera. Can’t believe it? Between Felice Romani, a great librettist who also wrote several operas set to music by Donizetti, and our Gaetano it was not all easy at the beginning of their collaboration, so much so that Donizetti is asking you to help him for his next opera. Ready to get going? Watch the video!
Are you curious?
Here is how to proceed:
1) Organize in a group, 2 people and up, and decide when to schedule this adventure through the streets of Upper Town. The total duration is about 90 minutes. You can do this with your class, or with your family, or with whomever you like. You do not need to have seen Chiara or Serafina to participate.
1) Print out the directions for the activity below, one copy for each participant.
2) Appoint one person to lead the group and give directions for each stage. Only those in this role need to print these directions
3) At the end send us your story, with a nice voice, or better yet a nice video, via WhatsApp at +39 366 6256621
Or via email to schools@
It starts at Donizetti’s Birthplace, at 14 Borgo Canale Street.
The first rehearsals are located right in there.
The first rehearsals are located right in there.
The house, which is now a national museum, is open only on Sundays ( 10am-1pm, 2-5pm).
But don’t worry, if you decide to have your experience at other times, you will still find help on the door, so you can do this group game really any time of the day, even at night!
Good work investigators!
…but don’t look at them before you play, come on!