On Saturday, February 8th at Teatro Donizetti (11 AM), the third event of the second edition of “History Lessons” is scheduled, an initiative conceived by Editori Laterza and co-produced with the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti with the support of Cassa Lombarda. This year’s chosen theme is “Rebels”: after Jesus and Cleopatra, it’s now the turn of a quintessential rebel, Joan of Arc. Illustrating the figure of this “woman in arms” will be Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, essayist, scholar, and professor of Medieval History. Joan of Arc is a girl, but she fights like a man; she’s a Christian virgin, but wears men’s clothes; she feels in direct communication with God, but doesn’t recognize the mediation of the Church. Venerated as a saint, she has become a myth, and not just for the French. Many questions remain open about this young woman in arms burned at the stake at 19 years old. Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli deals with the history of mentality and society and has taught Medieval History, History of Cities, and History and Cultural Heritage of Fashion at the University of Bologna. Among her publications:
Fishers of men. Preachers and squares at the end of the Middle Ages. (2005); An Italian at the Court of France. Christine de Pizan intellectual and woman (new edition 2017); Covered head. Stories of women and veils (new 2018 edition); The rules of luxury. Appearances and everyday life from the Middle Ages to the modern age. (2020). Per Laterza è autrice di In the hands of women. Feeding, healing, poisoning from the Middle Ages to the present. (2013), Mothers, missed mothers, almost mothers. Six medieval stories (2021) e La señora. Life and Adventures of Gracia Nasi (2024). Le “Lezioni di Storia” proseguiranno con Luigi Mascilli Migliorini, che proporrà una riflessione profonda su Robespierre, nel cuore della Rivoluzione Francese (15 febbraio), per concludersi con Loris Zanatta, che presenterà Fidel Castro e la sua rivoluzionaria “religione politica” (1° marzo). Tutti gli incontri saranno introdotti dal giornalista Max Pavan, responsabile dell’informazione di Bergamo TV. Biglietti 10 Euro, con riduzione per le scuole a 8 Euro. Al termine degli incontri, gli autori si fermeranno con il pubblico per il firmacopie presso il Ridotto Gavazzeni del Teatro.