23 March 2023| Ora 21:45
| €15,00In its absolute debut, the Panorchestra is, together with the already time-tested Take Off, part of the “La città del jazz” (The City of Jazz) project that sees the Donizetti Theatre Foundation, with Bergamo Jazz, and the Teatro Grande Foundation of Brescia side by side on the occasion of “Bergamo Bresca Capitale italiana della Cultura 2023”.
The brainchild of saxophonist Tino Tracanna, the Panorchestra features some of the best and most interesting soloists of various generations from the Milan – Bergamo – Brescia area. An ensemble made up of eclectic improvisers with a deep jazz imprinting who see music as an overall phenomenon without barriers and formal preconceptions.
On this occasion, the Panorchestra benefits from the contribution, as a keyboardist and arranger, of Alfonso Santimone, a versatile protagonist of Italian jazz in recent decades.
Special guest on this particular occasion is US-trumpeter Jonathan Finlayson.