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The most exhilarating feeling of our last show, Massimo Lopez and Tullio Solenghi Show was to have in front of us every night not only an empathetic and festive audience, but a kind of extended family, real relatives who shared some moments of our stage adventure with fragments of their lives. That is why we wanted to start right from here, not surprisingly we named it Dove eravamo rimasti. This new show of ours will propose numbers/sketches/musical fragments/video contributions, with some peaks of comedy such as a lectio magistralis by Sgarbi/Lopez, an affectionate homage to avanspettacolo and the Mattarella/Popez comparison, inserted in our now proven Show dimension. The common thread will be that of a chat among friends, the extended family mentioned above, linking the various moments of the show. Maestro Gabriele Comeglio’s band will once again be with us on stage, an indispensable “sidekick” to the musical setting. The intent is to once again amaze and excite those wonderful “relatives” sitting down in the audience.


Miscellaneous arts show written by Massimo Lopez e Tullio Solenghi
with the collaboration of Giorgio Cappozzo
with the JAZZ COMPANY directed by Maestro Gabriele Comeglio
production International Music and Arts