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It is Emanuele Maniscalco himself, a multi-instrumentalist and composer who has been working internationally for some time, who presents his creation: «This trio is an ideal place to dialogue with authors from the past who represent an inexhaustible source of knowledge and inspiration for me. Francesco and Oliver are two excellent young musicians who know the tradition but at the same time possess great open-mindedness. This combination allows me to effortlessly integrate into the repertoire pieces that don’t strictly come from jazz, as well as original compositions and freer moments of improvisation». Within the trio’s fabric, the tenor sax of Pietro Tonolo, a soloist of great value, authoritatively inserts itself: «Imagining a fourth element with whom to share this process, I never had any doubts that it should be Pietro: his creativity, experience, and intelligence are exemplary for deeply understanding the state of health of jazz today».

Special event


MANISCALCO TRIO special guest PIETRO TONOLOPietro Tonolo tenor saxEmanuele Maniscalco pianoFrancesco Bordignon double bassOliver Laumann drums