Falstaff. The Merry Toys of Windsor – School Performances
5 May| Ora 09:30
| €5,00Scattered around the little room in Windsor, its toys never stay still for a moment! They meet, chase each other, seek each other out, and are never bored. Especially since the pranks are plentiful, and behind every joke there “’s always the old robot Falstaff, once the family’s favorite toy, now set aside, all rusty and dusty, but eager to return to the hearts of the house’s children and willing to do anything to achieve it. The”“latest idea he’s had is a trick involving the two newcomers, Alice and Meg. Fresh from the store as they are, all he needs to do is make them fall at his feet to return to the” family’s favorite toy cupboard. But the two aren’t having it: they may be dolls, but they don’t intend to be fooled, quite the opposite!
Thus begins a whirlwind of pranks and disguises that will also be an opportunity for all the toys to learn how to joke, but with respect and without taking anyone for granted. In fact, going beyond differences and stereotypes, it will be the moment to discover they are much more similar than they imagined.
Play and the “importance of rules will be the” educational setting for all our activities, as well as being themes inherent in the performance they will see at the Theatre. Another fundamental and very important theme that will be proposed as a point of reflection will be teasing and bullying prevention; moreover, taking inspiration from the fat Falstaff, it will be interesting to outline guidelines with the students regarding a correct lifestyle.
Opera Education’s performances are participatory, in fact, they involve the audience of young spectators through singing and gestures. The children and young people arrive at the theatre prepared to take part in the show and become the real protagonists, singing some arias and participating with small props.
The theatrical performance marks the completion of a journey that begins months earlier for the teachers who are prepared through training sessions recognized by the Ministry of “Education and Merit according to directive 170/2016, in which AsLiCo teachers introduce elements to understand” opera in its entirety, teaching the main operatic arias that the children will sing from the stalls and providing some practical elements for the construction of props that they will use during the show. Everything takes place in an atmosphere of play and interdisciplinary involvement.
Alongside the school performances, there are shows open to the public called Opera Family, to give “children the opportunity to share the magic of” opera with their family.
Music, theatre, play, literature, history, current events, and interdisciplinary content year after year accompany educators, teachers, children, young people, and families on a journey through one of humanity’s “intangible cultural heritages. The ultimate goal is to spark” interest and curiosity in children and young people towards opera “theatre, which represents the most complex and multifaceted art” form of Italian cultural heritage.
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from Falstaff. Music by Giuseppe Verdi
Musical rearrangement Massimo Fiocchi Malaspina
Dramaturgical adaptation Andrea Piazza
Musical editions AsLiCo
First performance: Como, Teatro Sociale, February 10, 2025.
Falstaff Junyoung Choi, Francesco La Gattuta, Carlo Sgura
Captain Ford Tamon Inoue, Junhyeok Park, Carlo Sgura
Fenton Enrico Basso, Gerardo Dell’Affetto
Cajus Manuel Miro Caputo, Edoardo Manzardo
Alice Rossella Bianco, Alessia Camarin
Nannetta Rosalba Ducato, Chiara Guerra
Quickly Virginia Cattinelli, Silvia Ricca
Meg Greta Carlino, Chiara Torosani
Bardolfo Jasmine Monti
Pistola Carlo Merico
Conductor Massimo Fiocchi Malaspina
Director Andrea Piazza
Set Design Alice Vanini
Costumes Rosario Martone
Lighting Gianni Bertoli
Orchestra 1813
New set-up
Production AsLiCo
in co-production with Opéra Grand Avignon
Opera domani – 29th edition