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The show Characters over time is enriched by the new masks created by Antonio Albanese, becoming the summa of his theatrical shows.
What do the thousand faces with which Antonio Albanese tells the present have in common? Humanity. Reality becomes theater through Epifanio, L’Ottimista, il Sommelier, Cetto La Qualunque, Alex Drastico and Perego, masks and at the same time prototypes of our society, familiar faces that can be found in the neighbor, in the best friend, in ourselves. The show Personaggi brings together some of the faces created by Antonio Albanese: from the immigrant who cannot fit in in the North, to the entrepreneur who works 16 hours a day, from the sommelier seraphic in decanting wine, to the less than honest political candidate, from the visionary Ottimista “inhabitant of a perfect world” to the tender
Epifanio and his international dreams. Characters precisely that we have come to know and love over the years, where neurosis, alienation, soliloquy in human relationships and the
emotional breakdown of the family, mindless optimism and ideological emptiness help weave the plot written by Michele Serra and Antonio Albanese. On stage are men from the South and the North, men tall and short, fat and thin, rich and poor, optimists and qualunquists. Irreverent and grotesque masks mirror a reality looked at with a keen eye to catch its flaws, habits and tics. A gallery of anti-heroes revealing a world of obsessions, fears, delusions of omnipotence and shortcuts, but where in the end even poetry finds a place. A recital that narrates, with corrosive comedy and tight rhythm, a world populated by characters typical of our time, contemporary thinking interpreted with disruptive physicality. “I would like everyone to feel a little less lonely after one of my shows, a little more cheerful, a little stronger, I would like to embrace them all. Laughter is an embrace, a need that will always be there.”

Antonio Albanese


texts Antonio Albanese, Michele Serra, Piero Guerrera, Giampiero Solari
direction Giampiero Solari
costumes Elisabetta Gabbioneta
production Alessandro Castriota