
June 10 to 14, June 24 to 28, July 1 to 5 and July 8 to 12

Be advised that all three weeks of Camp are sold out

The Donizetti Summer Camp is back, an opportunity to experience all the spaces of the Donizetti Theater, from the rehearsal room to the dressing rooms to the stage, as true protagonists, getting to know and develop their talents in a tight-knit group of children/young people,
who will have the courage to stage a reduction of an opera in just one week.


Summer is just around the corner and the Donizetti Theater Foundation is back to offer, after the success of past editions, as many as four different weeks of Donizetti Summer Camp 2024 or immortal stories and wonderful adventures: children and teens aged 8 to 14 will be able to experience the spaces of the Donizetti Theater in an unusual way, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (with the possibility of early at 8 a.m. and late at 5:30 p.m.).
Registration is open until May 19, 2024.

Further details for registration here
Form to be filled out for registration here
Don Pasquale e Lucia di Lammermoor are the two Donizetti titles chosen for this summer, but there will also be a week devoted to Iliad, the star of the recently concluded drama season, and one dedicated to the Turandot by Puccini, one hundred years after his death. Immortal stories and wondrous adventures will take participants into ancient and fantastic worlds, revealing how much contemporary there still is in each story: “what does it mean to be a hero today?” Question that Iliad and Turandot help us answer, or “How to make one’s voice heard?” Ernesto, the young protagonist of Don Pasquale, and Lucia can help us reflect, with two completely different stories, on the struggles of being heard by adults and expressing one’s feelings. Singing, music and from this year also dance, understood as movement and bodily expression specifically in the week dedicated to Iliad, will be languages to be discovered to get in touch with the ancient stories of Lucia, Achilles, Calaf and Norina, through music and theater.
During the five days of the Donizetti Summer Camp, participants will be able to discover the rehearsal room, dressing rooms and step onto the stage of the Donizetti Theater as protagonists: in fact, each week will end with an original staging of the in-depth opera, interpreted of course by the attendees themselves, who will sing, act, move on stage to the rhythm of the music and have collaborated in the creation of costumes and sets. The final recital will take place on Friday at 5:30 p.m. and will be open to families and anyone who is pleased to attend.
The pedagogical and artistic aspect of the Donizetti Summer Camp was supervised by trainers specializing in the different disciplines (Paola Rivolta, scenes and costumes – Alessandra Giolo, music – Silvia Briozzo, theater – Serena Marossi, dance), supported by certified educators from Edoomark.
Who it is aimed at Children and young people from 8 to 14 years old
  • From June 10 to 14, 2024 – staging of Iliad
  • June 24-28, 2024 – staging of Don Pasquale
  • July 1-5, 2024 – staging of Turandot
  • July 8 to 12, 2024 – staging of Lucia di Lammermoor
Hours Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. (early 8 a.m.) to 5 p.m. (late 5:30 p.m.)
Where Donizetti Theater
Meals Meals can be provided independently by the family or can be delivered to the theater by a school cafeteria service, at a cost of €30 per week
Participation fee
  • €200 per participant per week
  • 185 for any siblings
Enrollment By May 19, 2024.
For registration click here

Donizetti Summer Camp 2024 is realized with the support of UniAcque

More information:

Elisa Gambero
Phone 035.4160613