On Saturday, October 19 at the Donizetti Theater, meetings dedicated to teachers of all grades
were held in preparation for the activities dedicated to schools during the tenth edition of the Donizetti Opera festival
An entire day dedicated to teacher training was held in the Music Room of the Donizetti Theater in preparation for the 2024 edition of Donizetti Education, which includes all the activities dedicated to schools and families during the Donizetti Opera festival. More than 120 teachers of all grades and school levels thus took part in an active in which the Donizetti Theater Foundation invests much of its attention and resources, with a view to enhancing and disseminating Donizetti’s cultural heritage to younger generations. Realized in collaboration with ATS and the Territorial School Office, the day had a full schedule full of speeches involving the Foundation’s experts: to the teachers, after institutional greetings by Donizetti Theater Foundation director Massimo Boffelli and the head of the Simple Structure for Addiction Prevention of the Hygiene and Health Prevention Department of ATS Bergamo Luca Biffi, the program of the tenth edition of Donizetti Opera was illustrated by artistic director Francesco Micheli and musicologist of the scientific section Livio Aragona. The teachers were thus able to learn in detail about the festival’s operatic proposal composed of the three Donizetti titles Roberto Devereux, Zoraida di Granata and Don Pasquale; the presentation was followed by a guided tour of the Donizetti Theater by Clelia Epis, who curates the iconography research and archives for the Foundation, as well as being a Donizetti Education trainer. In the second part of the day, teachers were divided for each school order of reference into three meetings: Manuel Renga, who will direct and dramaturgy the performance dedicated to students entitled

Don Pasquale. The great game of love (staged for schools at the Donizetti Theater on Nov. 22, 25 and 26 and for families on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 4 p.m.), presented the creative project; Alessandra Giolo, on the other hand, told the preschool teachers about Tano di Lammermoor, a workshop-performance whose protagonists are little Gaetano and his enchanted toys that will help him face his path of growth; Maria Teresa Galati , on the other hand, gave a talk dedicated to opera and theater for adolescents aimed at high school teachers. Finally, a workshop dedicated to the youngest children was presented that will be carried out in the classroom before attending Don Pasquale. The great game of love . La partecipazione, totalmente gratuita, non prevedeva l’iscrizione obbligatoria delle classi agli spettacoli e ai progetti formativi della Fondazione Teatro Donizetti, ma ha voluto essere un’occasione di studio e approfondimento per gli insegnanti a prescindere dalla ricaduta effettiva sulle classi. Questa decisione è nata dal desiderio della Fondazione di coinvolgere gli insegnanti come interlocutori privilegiati e portatori di cultura alle nuove generazioni, in accordo con le linee guida del proprio statuto.