Noble family owned the boxes, but the owners were not allowed to choose. The boxes were assigned by a sort of lottery.
It was an unsual choice, different from what had happened for the Riccardi Theatrer and for other theatres, too. It was the result of the republican influences brought to Bergamo by the French after the revolution, at the end of the 18th century. The procedure was laid down by a notary public, then the boxes were assigned on 30 July, 1808.  The ballot and the assignment had been very well organized: if the first or second level box that was extracted did not please the potential owner, he could choose a third level box, or one of those that had already been rejected.

Sociale Theater doesn’t have a royal box, which is normally twice the size of a regular one and is used by the local authorities or by special guests.
And yet the Theater welcomed so many personalities… In 1816, Austrian emperor Francis I came here, with empress Maria Ludovica d’Este. The two royals stayed in Bergamo from 11 to 15 March, hosted by the Terzi family. It was the first time that an emperor visited Bergamo and he enjoyed it a lot.
He came here on the 14, for a cantata that Mayr had composed just for this event. A brand new box was built to host such an illustrious guest, using the space of the four central boxes on the first and second level, just above the main door. A large mirror was placed inside the box.
That night, the theatre was lit by countless candles, lots of money was spent to make sure that the emperor was welcomed appropriately.