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It begins with "The Enigma of Peace. Necessary Aspiration, Inevitable Conflict" meeting related to the subject of Zoraida di Granata that will feature theologian Don Giuliano Zanchi and journalist Andrea Valesini in dialogue Bergamo, Donizetti Theater, Riccardi Hall, Monday, Nov. 4, 6 p.m. We are getting closer and closer to the inauguration of the tenth edition of the Donizetti Opera festival, which will take place in Bergamo "City of Gaetano Donizetti" from November 14 to December 1, 2024, but the wait is punctuated by a series of appointments to accompany the public in discovering the operas on the program and the many still topical issues that animate librettos, dramaturgies and staging. In these ten editions, alongside the offering of the various titles in editions that are philologically unimpeachable and consistent with the performance practice of the time, the festival has aimed to investigate Donizetti's in some respects revolutionary and modern theatricality. In this sense, the subjects of the 2024 operas still inspire quite a few reflections that have been placed at the basis of the three meetings of the Donizetti Today cycle, in which experts and professionals from non-musical fields and related to other city institutions, reflect and discuss how to transfer the scheduled Donizetti operas to the present day. It begins on Monday, Nov. 4 (Donizetti Theater, Riccardi Hall, 6 p.m.) when Don Giuliano Zanchi (theologian, scientific director of the Adriano Bernareggi Foundation of Bergamo and professor of theology at the Catholic University of Milan) and Andrea Valesini (journalist, editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper "L'Eco di Bergamo," often a correspondent in war zones) will converse on The Enigma of Peace. Necessary aspiration, inevitable conflict related to Zoraida di Granata. Then, on Monday, Nov. 11, Alberto Mattioli and Marco Ubezio will discuss a topic dear to them, Tutti pazzi per i Royals creating a connection between Donizetti's passion for "the Tudori" and the current ruling family in Great Britain; finally, on Monday, Nov. 18, psychiatrist Filippo Tancredi with Albert Mattioli, taking a cue from Don Pasquale, will debate on Desiderio senza età. All the meetings are free admission with reservations recommended at Around the opera titles are then scheduled the long-awaited Donizetti Talks curated by the festival's Scientific Area with the participation of the directors and conductors of the operas and access to rehearsals. The first meeting on Friday, Nov. 8 (Teatro Donizetti, Sala Riccardi, 5:30 p.m.) is for Roberto Devereux with Livio Aragona and Maurizio Merisio; on Saturday, Nov. 9 (5 p.m.) at the Mai Library and then at the Teatro Sociale, it will be dedicated to Zoraida di Granata and will feature speakers Edoardo Cavalli and Paolo Fabbri. It continues on Sunday, Nov. 10 (5 p.m.) in the Riccardi Room of the Donizetti Theater with Candida Billie Mantica and Livio Aragona for Don Pasquale. All these meetings are free admission with reservations recommended at Finally, we talk about libraries and books with Donizetti Bookmarks (Teatro Donizetti, Sala Musica, 6 p.m.), Saturday, Nov. 23 C'è posta per


BERGAMO JAZZ 2025: Sounds of Joy. Presentato in anteprima il programma del Donizetti e del Sociale della 46a edizione

Sounds of Joy: is the title Joe Lovano wanted to imprint on the 2025 edition of the Bergamo Jazz Festival, the second under the Artistic Direction of the famous American saxophonist. Organized by Fondazione Teatro Donizetti, with the support of the City of Bergamo, MIC-Ministry of Culture and private sponsors, the Festival will be held March 20-23, with concerts at Teatro Donizetti and Teatro Sociale flanked by numerous events scattered throughout the City, which for the 46th time will come alive with the thousands of sounds of a music that has long put down firm and deep roots in Bergamo. "Sounds of Joy means the celebration of a musical community born among the people for the people. The celebration of jazz from its origins until today. The dance of life, love and spirit unites us as one," specifies Joe Lovano, "The idea of jazz improvisation has taken many paths over the years and is a beautiful art form with many directions and influences. This idea has inspired the most innovative and influential musicians in the music world on a global scale.The multigenerational and multicultural sounds that animate the joy of hearing music will come to us through the passion and expressiveness of all the artists we have invited for the 46th edition of the Bergamo jazz festival." Unfailingly faithful to the Festival's natural international vision, the 2025 edition of Bergamo Jazz will thus once again be a wide-open window on the composite scene of an expressive universe that continues to show signs of vitality in its being an ideal meeting point between different musics and cultures. While numerous initiatives carried out in collaboration with as many realities of the territory are being defined, including meetings with schools and the "Scintille di Jazz" section dedicated to new talents, the bill of concerts at the Donizetti Theater and the Teatro Sociale is already finalized in detail, so that the subscription campaign and ticket sales can begin. In fact, old subscribers will be able to renew from December 3 to 21, 2024 (change seats from January 8 to 10, 2025), with right of first refusal for concerts at the Sociale. New subscriptions will then be available from January 14, 2025, with the possibility of purchasing Sociale tickets as well, while tickets for individual evenings at the Donizetti will go on sale from January 28.   Jazz at Donizetti Venerdì 21 marzo, la prima delle tre serate in abbonamento al Teatro Donizetti, con inizio alle ore 20.30, amatissime sia dai bergamaschi sia da chi proviene da ogni parte d’Italia e da oltre confine, sarà aperta dal duo formato da un fuoriclasse del contrabbasso come Dave Holland e da Lionel Loueke, uno dei chitarristi più innovativi apparsi sulle scene del jazz negli ultimi decenni. Una coppia artistica di spessore che fungerà da “apripista” al concerto della Wayne Shorter Legacy, ovvero il pianista Danilo Pérez, il contrabbassista John Patitucci e il batterista Brian Blade, che per quasi 25 anni hanno condiviso con il grande sassofonista e

BERGAMO JAZZ 2025: Sounds of Joy. Presentato in anteprima il programma del Donizetti e del Sociale della 46a edizione2024-10-30T12:52:33+01:00


Celebratory program with two masterpieces: Roberto Devereux and Don Pasquale Zoraida di Granata is the rarity for #donizetti200 LU OpeRave returns, the thematic meetings, presentations, open rehearsals, and activities for schools and families The playbills feature the names of great performers such as Javier Camarena, Roberto de Candia, Cecilia Molinari, John Osborn, and Jessica Pratt along with other established younger performers and students of the Bottega Donizetti On the podium Riccardo Frizza, Iván López-Reynoso and Alberto Zanardi The directors are Stephen Langridge, Amélie Niermeyer, Bruno Ravella and Mattia Agatiello In Bergamo, activities begin Oct. 25 in anticipation of opera weekends from Nov. 14 to Dec. 1 2015-2024: Less than a month to go until the tenth edition of the Donizetti Opera festival, a major international event dedicated to the Bergamasque composer and organized by the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti chaired by Giorgio Berta with the general direction of Massimo Boffelli, the artistic direction of Francesco Micheli and the musical direction of Riccardo Frizza. The music program will take place in Bergamo "City of Gaetano Donizetti" from Nov. 14 to Dec. 1, 2024, but as early as Oct. 25 there are numerous activities planned for the public: meetings, lectures and open rehearsals. "We are approaching the debut of Donizetti Opera 2024 with a lot of really encouraging data," says Donizetti Theatre Foundation President Giorgio Berta, "Once again this year's fundraising from sponsors and donors has been beyond significant and highly satisfying, standing at 1,300,000 euros to date for the entire Foundation. We confirmed the main partnerships but also recorded important new memberships. We launched a new project that links the number of Donizetti Ambassadors to the 73 works in the Donizetti catalog, and to date we have matched 50 Ambassadors to as many titles. Reservations and ticket sales at the moment are also up from last year, demonstrating that the balance found by artistic director Francesco Micheli between research and repertoire is winning. Finally, the foreign press is also increasingly interested in reporting and documenting Donizetti Opera's programming-a further confirmation of the festival's internationality." "Donizetti Opera," says Bergamo's Culture Councillor Sergio Gandi, "will stage Gaetano Donizetti's titles within a proposal linked to contemporaneity that will also address current political issues, as has already happened in recent editions. This has contributed over time to making a "star" out of an author who was almost unknown to the city. In general, this articulated and so organized programming has given the festival and therefore also the whole city an international profile, as shown by the data already in our possession, which mark 87 percent of foreigners in group bookings. All this leads us to be able to consider Donizetti Opera a pillar of Bergamo's identity: this edition celebrating ten editions proves this in a special way." "This is the tenth edition of Donizetti Opera," stresses artistic director Francesco Micheli, "the tenth year in which we have been working on the construction of a monument to this artist whose greatness has yet to be explored,



On Saturday, October 19 at the Donizetti Theater, meetings dedicated to teachers of all grades were held in preparation for the activities dedicated to schools during the tenth edition of the Donizetti Opera festival An entire day dedicated to teacher training was held in the Music Room of the Donizetti Theater in preparation for the 2024 edition of Donizetti Education, which includes all the activities dedicated to schools and families during the Donizetti Opera festival. More than 120 teachers of all grades and school levels thus took part in an active in which the Donizetti Theater Foundation invests much of its attention and resources, with a view to enhancing and disseminating Donizetti's cultural heritage to younger generations. Realized in collaboration with ATS and the Territorial School Office, the day had a full schedule full of speeches involving the Foundation's experts: to the teachers, after institutional greetings by Donizetti Theater Foundation director Massimo Boffelli and the head of the Simple Structure for Addiction Prevention of the Hygiene and Health Prevention Department of ATS Bergamo Luca Biffi, the program of the tenth edition of Donizetti Opera was illustrated by artistic director Francesco Micheli and musicologist of the scientific section Livio Aragona. The teachers were thus able to learn in detail about the festival's operatic proposal composed of the three Donizetti titles Roberto Devereux, Zoraida di Granata and Don Pasquale; the presentation was followed by a guided tour of the Donizetti Theater by Clelia Epis, who curates the iconography research and archives for the Foundation, as well as being a Donizetti Education trainer. In the second part of the day, teachers were divided for each school order of reference into three meetings: Manuel Renga, who will direct and dramaturgy the performance dedicated to students entitled Don Pasquale. The great game of love (staged for schools at the Donizetti Theater on Nov. 22, 25 and 26 and for families on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 4 p.m.), presented the creative project; Alessandra Giolo, on the other hand, told the preschool teachers about Tano di Lammermoor, a workshop-performance whose protagonists are little Gaetano and his enchanted toys that will help him face his path of growth; Maria Teresa Galati , on the other hand, gave a talk dedicated to opera and theater for adolescents aimed at high school teachers. Finally, a workshop dedicated to the youngest children was presented that will be carried out in the classroom before attending Don Pasquale. The great game of love . La partecipazione, totalmente gratuita, non prevedeva l’iscrizione obbligatoria delle classi agli spettacoli e ai progetti formativi della Fondazione Teatro Donizetti, ma ha voluto essere un’occasione di studio e approfondimento per gli insegnanti a prescindere dalla ricaduta effettiva sulle classi. Questa decisione è nata dal desiderio della Fondazione di coinvolgere gli insegnanti come interlocutori privilegiati e portatori di cultura alle nuove generazioni, in accordo con le linee guida del proprio statuto.  


HISTORY LESSONS 2025: “Rebels” from Jan. 18 to March 1, 2025

Five appointments scheduled on Saturday mornings at the Donizetti Theater from Jan. 18 to March 1, 2025: after the success of the past Season, "Lezioni di Storia," a series of meetings conceived by Editori Laterza and produced in co-production with the Donizetti Theater Foundation of Bergamo and with the support of Cassa Lombarda, returns. The new edition is entitled Rebels: an unprecedented program that focuses on the thought and action of some great figures of the past and is intended as an exhortation to cultivate hope for change that is always possible. Opening the cycle will be theologian Vito Mancuso on January 18 with the lecture Jesus: the Breaking of the Law. On Feb. 1 it will be the turn of Francesca Cenerini who will talk about the figure of Cleopatra and the influence Egyptian culture had on the taste of the Romans. The following Saturday, Feb. 8, Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli will take the Donizetti stage to recount the historical figure, charisma and complex personality of Joan of Arc. On Feb. 15, Luigi Mascilli Migliorini will offer a profound reflection on Robespierre, at the heart of the French Revolution, while to close, on March 1 Loris Zanatta will present Fidel Castro and his revolutionary "political religion." All meetings will begin at 11 a.m. and will be introduced by journalist Max Pavan, Bergamo TV news director. Tickets 10 euros, with a reduction for schools to 8 euros. Sales open from Oct. 23. At the end of all meetings, the authors will stop with the audience for a firmacopie at the Ridotto Gavazzeni of the theater. Sergio Gandi, Councillor for Culture of the City of Bergamo, offers the Administration's greetings, emphasizing the value of the initiative: "In a City as rich in history as Bergamo, the "Lessons" promoted by the Donizetti Theater Foundation are an added value, an original way of reliving the past through the eyes of the present. The confirmation of interest by Laterza, one of the most significant publishers on the national territory and of greater authority in the field of educational publishing, is a confirmation of the positioning of our City. And of the Donizetti Theater, which broadens its function and mission, becoming a 360-degree space of culture: it opens its doors not only to entertainment but also to different forms of community involvement, such as historical popularization, ready to welcome a curious audience always looking for new insights." Giorgio Berta, president of the Donizetti Theater Foundation, confirms how "this initiative is a broadening of our scope, complementing the many proposals in the spectacular sphere, from prose to opera to jazz. The "History Lessons" therefore fully correspond to that diversification of the offer that allows us to involve ever new audiences, with a focus on young people." Massimo Boffelli, General Director of the Foundation, comments, "We are pleased to reintroduce 'History Lessons,' on the back of the great success of the first edition: this initiative sees us in collaboration with a prestigious publishing house such as Laterza

HISTORY LESSONS 2025: “Rebels” from Jan. 18 to March 1, 20252024-10-22T17:19:59+02:00


The theme of WOD 2024 is "Welcome to the Opera" and celebrates UNESCO's recognition of Italian opera singing as an Intangible Heritage of Humanity Introduction to the operas and open rehearsals with free admission (reservations recommended) Bergamo, Teatro Donizetti and Teatro Sociale, Friday, Oct. 25, 5:30 p.m. We are now less than a month away from the opening of the 10th edition of Donizetti Opera, an international festival dedicated to the Bergamasque composer that will be held in his hometown from November 14 to December 1. As every year, over the next few weeks, there will be various opportunities for the public to discover in advance some details of the scheduled performances: it begins on Friday, October 25, with the sixth edition of World Opera Day, promoted by Opera Europa, OPERA America and Opera Latinoamérica. Theaters and festivals around the world celebrate the start of their seasons with new projects and perspectives, to reinvent and innovate. This year's WOD is titled "Welcome to Opera" and is dedicated precisely to Italian opera singing, which, in 2023, has been included in the list of intangible heritages of humanity drawn up by UNESCO. The organizers therefore proposed to theaters around the world to celebrate this recognition in the simplest but also most meaningful way: that is, by performing an iconic piece or a rarity from the Italian opera repertoire. The Donizetti Opera responded immediately being, among other things, this constitutive prescription of the festival. It will therefore be possible to access the rehearsals of Don Pasquale at Teatro Donizetti and Zoraida di Granata at Teatro Sociale, two titles that represent, respectively, of Donizetti's catalog the best-known repertoire and the one to be rediscovered. On Friday, Oct. 25 from 5:30 p.m., you can watch the rehearsal of the two titles introduced by the Foundation's musicologists who will guide the audience through the stage preparation and musical content of the 2024 festival. To participate, reservations are recommended through All fans are invited to share their passion for opera and the world of Donizetti on social media with the hashtags #WorldOperaDay and #donizettiopera. On the occasion of World Opera Day, from Friday, Oct. 25 to Sunday, Oct. 27 (online and at the box office), tickets for LU OpeRave, the Lucia di Lammermoor-inspired show that brings together Donizetti's music with electronics and will be staged on Nov. 14, 21 and 29, also at 9:30 p.m., at the Balzer Globe, will be available for the special price of €11. Full details on cast and ticket purchase are available at


Presented the Season of Drama and Altri Percorsi 2024|2025

Riding the wave of the important results achieved with the 2023|2024 seasons, the Donizetti Theater Foundation, with the City of Bergamo, announces the upcoming Prose Season and Other Paths, the backbone of the Theater Season whose full program schedule also includes Operetta and Opera&Concerts, as well as numerous educational projects in the pipeline. A rich and multifaceted program will run at Teatro Donizetti and Teatro Sociale over six months, from December 2024 to May 2025, with seven titles on the bill for the Prose Season, for eight performances of each show (Saturday through Sunday of the following week; Monday rest), and as many for Altri Percorsi, with two matinees. In introducing the upcoming Prose Season and Other Paths, Giorgio Berta, President of the Donizetti Theater Foundation, takes the opportunity to thank those who are working to make it a success: "As President of the Foundation, I cannot but express satisfaction with what has been done in recent years, with the difficult times now behind us. After the restoration work and the emergency period, the Donizetti Theater has indeed been reborn on new foundations, even more solid than before. And co-leading this rebirth are the City of Bergamo and the many institutional and private partners who support us, as well as all the staff, technical and administrative, of the Foundation, without whose professionalism it would be unthinkable to achieve certain goals of excellence that so many envy us. To everyone goes my personal thanks and those of the Foundation itself, whose role is increasingly proactive and aimed at stimulating broad segments of the public, with the intention of being a point of reference for younger generations as well." Massimo Boffelli, General Director of the Donizetti Theatre Foundation, takes his cue from the success of the 2023|2024 Season to turn his gaze to the future: "We present the new Season of Prose and Other Paths strong from the results we have just achieved: 52,672 were the total number of spectators for Prose, with an average of more than 1,000 per performance; 5,126 for Altri Percorsi. These are important numbers that in the immediate future will translate into an increase in the number of performances for Prose: eight for all seven titles on the bill. Numbers that, beyond their quantitative value, attest to the increasingly strong and deep bond between the public and the artistic proposals of our Foundation, of which the Prose Season and Altri Percorsi is one of the cornerstones, together with the Donizetti Opera festival, Bergamo Jazz, the new review Lezioni di Storia and Operetta. All this is an unmistakable sign of the attractive force that these varied proposals have toward the city and beyond. The Donizetti Theater, and with it the Teatro Sociale, is increasingly asserting itself as the home of culture for the people of Bergamo and also for those who come from afar." Maria Grazia Panigada foreshadows the new Season of Prose and Altri Percorsi, of which she is Artistic Director, "as a place where people go

Presented the Season of Drama and Altri Percorsi 2024|20252024-10-11T16:10:35+02:00

Presented the second part of the 2024/2025 Theater Season: the Operetta Season, the Opera&Concerts review and the New Year’s Musical

Having announced the Prose Season and Other Paths in recent weeks, the Donizetti Theater Foundation completes the presentation of the 2024-2025 Theater Season with the sections of Opera&Concerts, Operetta Season and the End-of-Year Musical, complementing a rich and multifaceted programming that covers a time span that collectively runs from December 2024 to May 2025. The seven titles of Prose, all scheduled for eight performances, and the same number of Other Paths, are thus joined by another nine events divided between Teatro Donizetti and Teatro Sociale: "A vast and articulated offer that allows us to explore different modes of expression and thus reach diversified audience segments, further consolidating the link between the City and its two main theaters," comments Massimo Boffelli, General Manager of the Donizetti Theater Foundation. "Operetta at the Donizetti is now a widely proven season that gathers around it a loyal audience, and the section dedicated to concerts and opera is also consolidated year by year, thanks to important collaborations: now we greet, among the partners of our Foundation, the Polli Stoppani Foundation, thanks to which we can include in the program a musical event of absolute regard that goes along with the concerts organized together with the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra, the pre-Christmas event with I Piccoli Musici and one of the new productions of OperaLombardia. Finally, after last year's success, we will reintroduce a musical on the evening of Dec. 31. All this contributes to placing the Donizetti Theater and the Teatro Sociale in a central and indispensable position in the City's cultural life," Boffelli concludes. Opera&Concerts Opera&Concerti is the section of La Stagione dei Teatri dedicated to music with projects and repertoires that cross different genres, uniting them with each other, and fostering collaboration with important institutional and associative realities in the Lombardy region. It begins with theEnsemble of the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra, which on Thursday, December 5, 2024, offers a new project entitled The Five Elements: Earth Air Water Fire Ether, with the whimsical violin of Alessandro Quarta acting as a guide among the five elements, transforming them and making them his own, bringing the quintessence of nature in concert. The new partnership with the Polli Stoppani Foundation will be in the sign of a prestigious pair of pianists, Michele Campanella and Monica Leone, who will perform the Ninth Symphony by Beethoven in Franz Liszt's brilliant transcription for two pianos (Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024). And in keeping with established tradition, the end-of-year and beginning-of-year festivities will be marked by the Christmas Concert and the New Year's Concert, respectively. The former will feature, on Saturday, December 21 at 3:30 p.m., the I Piccoli Musici choir directed by Mario Mora, with a program, different from previous years, entitled The Sound of the Voice: a selection of Folk Songs from different nations, excerpts from musicals by Leonard Bernstein and Richard Rodgers, Opera Songs remembering the centenary of Giacomo Puccini's death, as well as some of the most beautiful Christmas melodies. The New Year's greeting, with the fullItalian

Presented the second part of the 2024/2025 Theater Season: the Operetta Season, the Opera&Concerts review and the New Year’s Musical2024-10-11T16:04:32+02:00

Progetto Young – training course for young actors: selections kick off Sept. 11

Progetto Young, the well-established training workshop for actresses and actors strongly desired by Maria Grazia Panigada, Artistic Director of the Prose Season and Other Paths of the Donizetti Foundation, and curated by director Fabio Comana, is back again for the biennium 2024 -2025. As usual, the workshop is aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 26, with at least 2 years' experience in basic theater training and a propensity for group work. To participate, applicants must sign the appropriate form attaching their resume no later than Sept. 24 at 12 noon: The following week, those who have passed the first selection on the basis of the curriculum will be invited to participate in a second one, on October 2 and 3, consisting of a collective practical test, in seminar form. The second selection, which will be conducted by Fabio Comana himself and will take place at the "Benvenuto Cuminetti" rehearsal room of the Donizetti Theater, will allow, through a series of exercises, improvisations, interpretations of texts, a more direct and in-depth knowledge of the technical and human characteristics of the participants. From this second selection will come to life the group of actors and actresses of the Young 2024-2025 project. Participation in the course, which will run from October 2024 to June 2025, involves a registration fee of 300 euros, which can be paid in one lump sum before the start of the course or in two installments (first installment in October 2024 and second installment in January 2025). The objective of Progetto Young is to contribute to the initiation of young people into an advanced level of acting, but also and above all to encourage a vision as open as possible to the future of theatrical art, to provide a series of elements so that each person can invent and experiment with his or her own idea of theater: an indispensable condition for the renewal of languages and the evolution of a theater capable of speaking to this ever-changing society. The training of actors and actresses has from the outset the goal of giving back to the city the fruit of their creativity, participating in an active and recognizable way in some significant events of the city's cultural life. An indispensable element for the training of the young trainees will be the shared viewing of scheduled shows and participation in meetings with guest artists of the Prose and Other Paths season of the Donizetti Theater. Maria Grazia Panigada underscores the value of Progetto Young: "We are approaching a new edition of Progetto Young strengthened by past experience and the success of the show Vorrei che fosse amore, which last June featured 18 young people on stage with Cèsar Brie's. Following their artistic and human journey for two years has been a source of encouragement for me on all that I accomplish within the Donizetti Theatre Foundation: I am sure that the next edition of Progetto Young will also bear fruit, confirming the vitality of our

Progetto Young – training course for young actors: selections kick off Sept. 112024-10-11T15:59:28+02:00


D COME DIECI TWO DAYS, ONE IN SEPTEMBER AND ONE IN NOVEMBER, TO CELEBRATE THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DONIZETTI OPERA FESTIVAL Sept. 28 in anticipation of the new edition and Nov. 29 in the Dies Natalis to retrace the most significant moments of the ten editions of the festival dedicated to the Bergamasque composer. Performances, meetings, activities for children, guided tours. Free tickets and reservations online and at the Donizetti Theater box office. Donizetti Opera, a festival dedicated to the Bergamasque composer, reaches the milestone of its tenth edition in 2024: for this reason, the path towards the debuts will be opened by a moment of celebration next Saturday, September 28, which will then be completed with another day, which has always been a fundamental moment in the programming, namely Friday, November 29, Dies natalis di Gaetano Donizetti. D come Dieci is the set of initiatives planned for these two days, designed to celebrate the ten-year milestone by retracing together with the public and the city the milestones of Donizetti Opera, remembering and commenting on the most beloved and important productions that have allowed us to discover new aspects and new treasures of the art of the orobic composer. Guided tours, performances, conversations, presentations of new initiatives, activities for children, singing workshops, but also screenings of some archival videos from previous editions and the now unfailing Talk with Gaetano, this time reserved not only for artists but for all citizens who want to confess to Donizetti's bust their love for music. On Saturday, Sept. 28, we start at 10 a.m. (until 12:40 p.m., ticket 5 euros) with guided tours of the Donizetti Theater, which has also undergone, as is well known, a thorough restoration. At 2:30 p.m. (Music Hall) for the cycle DeCineForum a video of one of the festival's great rediscoveries, the opera L'ange de Nisida , which even the composer had never seen staged and which was staged in the very theater-building site awaiting rebirth, will be presented and screened. Waiting for DO24, in the Donizetti Studio (4 p.m.). Qui Don Pasquale workshop for children ages 8 to 13 to prepare for the famous title on the program. From 5 p.m. onward in the Quadriportico Parla con Gaetano City Edition., that is, the chance to engage in an imaginary dialogue with the composer, in front of the Donizetti Opera Tube cameras. At 6 p.m. (Riccardi Hall) "The Perfumed Sigh" a new activity in which festival dramaturg Alberto Mattioli will accompany the audience to discover and vote for the perfumes created by Donizetti Ambassador Allegrini with Atelier Fragranze Milano to match the three operas scheduled for 2024. 7 p.m. A Donizetti is Forever, conversation and aperitif between music and precious thanks to another of the festival's historic Ambassadors, Curnis Gioielli, who will bring Roberto Coin's creations to the theater. Then one of the most anticipated moments, in the Great Hall (8 p.m., ticket 10 euros), the staging of Giovanni Simone Mayr's opera, rediscovered in 2023, The little music

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