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Culture in dictatorial regimes: between propaganda and free art is the title of the series of three meetings preceding the performance of King Lear Died in Moscow, the show by Argentine César Brie which on Thursday, December 19 at the Teatro Sociale will open the Altri Percorsi series of the Donizetti Theatre Foundation. «King Lear Died in Moscow is a precious show from a theatrical point of view and of great civil reflection. Eight young artists led by Argentine director César Brie, including Michelangelo Nervosi, one of the boys from our Progetto Young, narrate on stage the story of the Jewish theater Goset founded in Moscow in 1919 by director Aleksandr Granovsky and painter-scenographer Marc Chagall. A theater admired by Gordon Craig, which Stalin destroyed by assassinating the actor-directors who led it, Solomon Mikhoels and Veniamin Zuskin. In the show, historical truth intertwines with the imaginative ability to transform simple objects, rhythms, movements, dances, and choirs into a surprising fresco of humanity», says Maria Grazia Panigada, Artistic Director of the Prose Season and Altri Percorsi. «King Lear Died in Moscow shows how dictatorial regimes, in this case, Stalin's, fear freedom», continues Panigada, «In the meetings, curated by experts in the individual sectors, a reflection on artistic languages – cinema, music, and visual arts – during dictatorships will be proposed, with the aim of offering historical knowledge, but also providing tools for decoding and understanding the languages and messages they can convey». Organized in collaboration with ISREC - Bergamasque Institute for the History of the Resistance and Contemporary Age, the meetings will all take place at 6:00 PM in the “M. Tremaglia” Music Hall of the Donizetti Theatre with free admission by reservation at the EventBrite links provided on the theater's website. It starts on Wednesday, December 4 with “ Art at the service of the regime. The regime at the service of art. Continuity and discontinuity of cinema between fascist propaganda and the immediate post-war period”, a meeting curated by Isrec with the participation of Luciana Bramati (Isrec) and Giorgio Giovanetti (Ferruccio Parri National Institute). In this first meeting, it will be reconstructed - through period materials - how fascism bent cinematographic art into a powerful propaganda tool, but at the same time how cinema took its revenge by raising a generation of authors who gave shape to the neorealism revolution. Exemplary is the case of Roberto Rossellini, author between 1941 and 1943 of the so-called Trilogy of Fascist War and then of Rome, Open City in 1945, which will be presented and analyzed. Wednesday, December 11 will be dedicated to music, with On the notes of a song. The cases of the “Song of the Deported”, Frida Misul's “Sad Songs” and “The Wind Whistles” . Relatori: Elisabetta Ruffini e Angelo Bendotti di Isrec. Nel corso dell’incontro si considererà quanto la musica possa approfondire lo studio della vita all’interno dei lager nazisti, sia dalla prospettiva dei carcerieri che da quella delle vittime. Da una parte l’uso delle orchestre nei

CULTURE IN DICTATORIAL REGIMES: BETWEEN PROPAGANDA AND FREE ART. Meetings around the show “King Lear Died in Moscow”2024-11-26T12:38:31+01:00


On November 29 shows, guided tours, meetings, activities for children, in the name of the composer and the first ten editions of the DO At the Donizetti Theater “Ring Gaetano, Amarcord” with Francesco Micheli and many guests The Donizetti Opera, a festival dedicated to the Bergamasque composer, reaches its tenth edition in 2024: the culmination of the celebrations is scheduled for Friday, November 29 Dies natalis of Gaetano Donizetti. D as in Ten is the set of these initiatives, carried out with the support of Stucchi S.p.A., started in September and designed to retrace with the public and the city the fundamental stages of the Donizetti Opera, commenting on the most loved and important productions that have allowed the discovery of new aspects and treasures of the art of the Orobic composer. All initiatives D as in Ten (except guided tours and LU OpeRave) are free with reservations on the site or at the ticket office (Tuesday-Saturday 4-8 PM). Friday, November 29 starts at 10 AM (until 12:40 PM, ticket 5 euros) with Donizetti Welcome, the guided tours of the Donizetti Theater which, as is known, has undergone a profound restoration. In the Gavazzeni foyer, you can see the exhibition of posters of shows set up over these ten years and illustrated by various authors, identified by Studio Temp of Bergamo which, in 2015, designed the image of the festival. From 10 AM to 8 PM, in the exhibition hall next to the ticket office, you can visit for free the photographic exhibition Ten Words for Ten Years curated by Clelia Epis and Floriana Tessitore with images by Photo Studio U.V., realized with the support of Assolari Luigi C.: «2015-2024, ten editions of the Donizetti Opera festival: to tell them – reads the presentation of the exhibition – ten keywords and many images taken from the iconographic heritage of the Foundation that documents the vision of artistic director Francesco Micheli and the spirit that animated it, feeding the city's memory. As the opening image L'ange de Nisida, a symbol opera of these ten years and what characterized them: first of all Gaetano Donizetti and his music, but also courage, vision, rediscoveries, study, research, continuous public involvement, overcoming traditional boundaries, recognition from national and international critics. The ten words/sections that guide the collection of images are: theater and city, boundaries, rediscoveries, masterpieces, women, Covid-19, awards, night, masters, youth. The morning activities continue in Città Alta where, in Piazza Vecchia at 10:30 am, the choral flash mob G like Giacomo and Gaetano is scheduled; November 29 is also the date of Giacomo Puccini's death exactly 100 years ago. For this reason, schools throughout Italy have been encouraged by Opera Education / AsLiCo in collaboration with AGIS to participate in a choral flash mob that, in Bergamo, will unite Donizetti with Puccini. The program includes two choirs from Turandot (“Là sui monti dell’est”, “O sole, vita, eternità”) and two from Don Pasquale (“Bella siccome un’angelo”, “Che interminabile andirivieni”). At 11:15 am, the


On December 16 at the Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo, “In concert with Enzo” with Paolo Jannacci

Fondazione Banco dell’energia and Fondazione Teatro Donizetti, in collaboration with A2A, organize a charity evening featuring jazz music and singer-songwriter songs: "IN CONCERT WITH ENZO" with Paolo Jannacci at the Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo on December 16 at 8:30 PM. A way to revive the songs of Enzo Jannacci with singing and music, including Paolo's repertoire and the songs most cherished by Enzo's audience. Paolo Jannacci will be accompanied by an extraordinary band, composed of Stefano Bagnoli on drums and percussion, Marco Ricci on double bass and electric bass, Daniele Moretto on trumpet/flugelhorn and backing vocals. It will be a show full of poetic and musical energy where the artist will perform playing the piano in a trio or quartet. “I will remember my father to those who knew him and try to introduce him to those who have never heard of him. During the show, there won't be many frills; only the reality of the music, which I hope will reach straight to the heart of those who listen,” said Paolo Jannacci. Tickets are on sale through the Vivaticket circuit or directly at the Teatro Donizetti box office. For info and reservations: 035.4160 601/602/603. The proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Fondazione Banco dell’energia, the philanthropic entity promoted by A2A and its Foundations AEM, ASM, and LGH, which supports people in situations of economic and social vulnerability, with particular attention to energy poverty. To learn more, you can visit the website For the occasion, the facade of the Theater will be specially illuminated in coordination with the artistic installation FLOWING COLORS created for A2A by Stefano Mazzanti, an internationally renowned light designer, in collaboration with IDRA Teatro. This initiative highlights the connection between A2A and the world of Theater and Art. The installation will be visible from November 23, 2024, to January 6, 2025, as part of the Christmas Design widespread exhibition, promoted by the DUC - Urban Commerce District for Christmas in Bergamo. A2A, after making a significant contribution to Bergamo Brescia Capital of Culture 2023 through the Light is Life initiatives, intends to renew its commitment to the territories with which it has a historic bond. This year, the choice of the installation and its location was made to further enhance the historic partnership with the Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo.    

On December 16 at the Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo, “In concert with Enzo” with Paolo Jannacci2024-11-25T12:30:11+01:00

Between art and life: Maria Callas and Marina Abramović, Donizetti heroines on and off stage

Introduction by Roberto Pesenti, president of gres art 671 Conversation with Francesco Micheli and Fabio Cleto moderated by Francesca Acquati Actress Matilde Facheris performs a monologue by Alberto Mattioli, soprano Eleonora Boaretto with pianist Giulio Zappa The first collaboration between the Donizetti Opera festival and gres art 671 Bergamo, gres art 671 Wednesday, November 27, 7:00 PM An "off-schedule" event for the Donizetti Opera 2024 festival that stems from an important new collaboration of the music event, organized by the Donizetti Theater Foundation, in collaboration with Fondazione Pesenti Ets, which-in the year of Bergamo Brescia Capital of Culture 2023-inaugurated gres art 671, the new cultural hub developed by Italmobiliare Group. At gres art 671, on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 7 p.m., an event will be held that concretizes the interweaving of music, art, history and contemporaneity that animates the two Bergamasque institutions. Between Art and Life: Maria Callas and Marina Abramović Donizettian heroines on stage and off is the title of this meeting in which Francesco Micheli, artistic director of Donizetti Opera, will dialogue with Fabio Cleto, professor of English Literature and Cultural History at the University of Bergamo, moderator is Francesca Acquati, general manager gres art 671. The aim is to trace the ideal thread linking the past to the present and the heroines of Donizetti's operas (in the paradigmatic interpretation of Maria Callas) to a project by Marina Abramović, a woman-symbol of contemporary art, like Callas before her, to whom she has dedicated Seven Deaths, a performance in which visual art, opera and dialectical tension coexist between the evocation of Maria Callas and the immanence of Abramović herself, women in whom life and art converge. This initiative aims to provide a new opportunity for in-depth exploration related to the suggestions that come from Donizetti's works and the fascination that opera continues to exert on today's artists. The Bergamo actress Matilde Facheris will also perform an unpublished monologue written by Alberto Mattioli and dedicated to Maria Callas, while soprano Eleonora Boaretto, accompanied by pianist Giulio Zappa, will perform pieces by Donizetti. At the end of the talk, the audience will have access to the Marina Abramović, Between Breath and Fire exhibition in the spaces of gres art 671. The event is free with reservation until all available seats are filled at the link This new opportunity for collaboration between two Bergamasque cultural entities underscores common intentions, and especially common desire to bring international artistic experiences to Bergamo, such as the Donizetti Opera festival and the multidisciplinary and inclusive programming of gres art 671.

Between art and life: Maria Callas and Marina Abramović, Donizetti heroines on and off stage2024-11-25T11:49:02+01:00


The first weekend packed with debuts of all opera productions, Roberto Devereux, Don Pasquale and Granata's Zoraida, the return of LU OpeRave to the Balzer Globe On Friday, November 15, opening of the exhibition D for Ten. Ten words for you say anninellaExhibition Hall of the Donizetti Theater Sunday, Nov. 17, the Birth House concert with Massimo Spadano and Francesco Libetta and the first Opera Family activity with The Owl Detective The opening weekend of the 10th Donizetti Opera festival - already the 2019 winner of the "Oper! Award" as best European festival by German critics and with four nominations for the International Opera Award also as best festival of the year - opens at the Balzer Globe on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024 at 9:30 p.m. with the reprise of one of the most innovative and popular projects during these ten editions of the festival: LU OpeRave in which Donizetti's music meets electronics and new trends; from the title the reference to Lucia di Lammermoor, from which the authors of this experimental project were inspired, is clear. At the origin of LU OpeRave are Mixopera vol. 1 and vol. 2, electronic music EPs inspired by Donizetti's music and made by some of the most prominent European electronic musicians gathered around the Fluidostudio label, available on all streaming platforms (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, YouTube Music). EP artists involved in LU OpeRave include Stefano Libertini Protopapa(creative director of the project), ilromantic, H.E.R. authors of the music. The booklet is by the Love Maniacs. Directed and choreographed by Mattia Agatiello, who brings to the stage his award-winning and celebrated Fattoria Vittadini dance company based at Milan's Fabbrica del Vapore. Sets and costumes are by Andrea Cammarosano and Leonardo Persico. The performers are from diverse musical backgrounds and experiences - soprano Laura Ulloa (a Bottega alumna in 2021), renowned vocalist David Blank and performer M¥SS KETA as narrator - and represent a fusion designed to speak to audiences of all generations, confirming the innovative and revolutionary power of Donizetti's poetics. To celebrate the 10-year anniversary, coinciding with the festival, on Friday, November 15 from 6:30 p.m., the photo exhibition will open Ten Words for Ten Years curated by Clelia Epis and Floriana Tessitore with images by Photo Studio U.V., set up in the Donizetti Theater's Exhibit Hall, next to the box office entrance and realized with the support of Assolari Luigi & C., which is among the initiatives entitled D for Ten and will culminate on Friday, Nov. 29, which coincides with Donizetti's Dies natalis. These are the ten words/sections that guide the collection of images: theater and city, encroachments, rediscoveries, masterpieces, women, Covid-19, awards, night, masters, youth. The photo exhibition, with free admission, can be visited during the performances, from Nov. 14 to Dec. 1, from two hours before the start. Saturday and Sunday also 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 29 (Dies natalis) 10 a.m.-8 p.m. All making their debuts are the three operatic titles around which the festival's entire program


Nov. 27 appointment on Maria Callas and Marina Abramonić at stoneware art 671

Between art and life Maria Callas and Marina Abramović Donizettian heroines on stage and off Introduction by Roberto Pesenti, President Gres Art 671 Conversation with Francesco Micheli and Fabio Cleto moderated by Francesca Acquati Actress Matilde Facheris performs a monologue by Alberto Mattioli, soprano Eleonora Boaretto with pianist Giulio Zappa The first collaboration between the Donizetti Opera festival and Gres Art 671 Bergamo, Gres Art 671 Wednesday, November 27, 2024, 7 p.m. An "off-schedule" event for the Donizetti Opera 2024 festival that stems from an important new collaboration of the music event, organized by the Donizetti Theater Foundation, in collaboration with Fondazione Pesenti Ets, which-in the year of Bergamo Brescia Capital of Culture 2023-inaugurated gres art 671, the new cultural hub developed by Italmobiliare Group. At gres art 671, on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 7 p.m., an event will be held that concretizes the interweaving of music, art, history and contemporaneity that animates the two Bergamasque institutions. Between Art and Life: Maria Callas and Marina Abramović Donizettian heroines on stage and off is the title of this meeting in which Francesco Micheli, artistic director of Donizetti Opera, will dialogue with Fabio Cleto, professor of English Literature and Cultural History at the University of Bergamo, moderator is Francesca Acquati, general manager gres art 671. The aim is to trace the ideal thread linking the past to the present and the heroines of Donizetti's operas (in the paradigmatic interpretation of Maria Callas) to a project by Marina Abramović, a woman-symbol of contemporary art, like Callas before her, to whom she has dedicated Seven Deaths, a performance in which visual art, opera and dialectical tension coexist between the evocation of Maria Callas and the immanence of Abramović herself, women in whom life and art converge. This initiative is proposed as a new opportunity for in-depth study related to the suggestions that come from Donizetti's operas and the fascination that the work continues to exert on today's artists. Bergamo actress Matilde Facheris will also perform an unpublished monologue written by Alberto Mattioli and dedicated to Maria Callas, while soprano Eleonora Boaretto, accompanied by pianist Giulio Zappa, will perform pages by Donizetti. At the end of the talk, the audience will have access to the Marina Abramović, Between Breath and Fire exhibition in the spaces of gres art 671. The meeting is free admission with reservations subject to availability at https://ticket. gresart671 .org/buy/event.aspx?ID=6343 This new opportunity for collaboration between two Bergamasque cultural entities underscores common intentions, and especially common desire to bring international artistic experiences to Bergamo, such as the Donizetti Opera festival and the multidisciplinary and inclusive programming of gres art 671.

Nov. 27 appointment on Maria Callas and Marina Abramonić at stoneware art 6712024-11-13T10:44:50+01:00


Conducting the Donizetti Opera Orchestra is the young Mexican Iván López-Reynoso; direction is by Amélie Niemeyer In the title role is a specialist Roberto de Candia while Ernesto is Javier Camarena, undisputed idol of the festival audience Teatro Donizetti, Bergamo Thursday, Nov. 14, 5 p.m. (preview under 30) Sunday, Nov. 17, 3 p.m.30 (Round C) Friday, Nov. 22, 8 p.m. (Round A) Saturday, Nov. 30, 8 p.m. (non-subscription) It is an opportunity not to be missed for all fans to be able to hear in Bergamo a masterpiece such as Don Pasquale - the third operatic title of the Donizetti Opera 2024 - scheduled at the Donizetti Theater onSundayNovember17 at 3:30 p.m. (replays on Friday, November 22 and Saturday, November 30 at 8 p.m.) with on the music stands a preview of the new critical edition edited by Roger Parker and Gabriele Dottofor the National Edition produced by Casa Ricordi, in collaboration and with the contribution of the City of Bergamo and the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti, which is scheduled for official release in 2026. On Thursday, Nov. 14 at 5 p.m., young audiences will attend the opera at theunder-30 preview, tickets for which cost 10 euros. The comic drama Don Pasquale is certainly among the Bergamasque's best-known and best-loved titles since its triumphant debut in Paris in 1843: in this new edition of the Donizetti Opera festival, it will be vocally entrusted to two "masters" such as Roberto de Candia (Don Pasquale) and Javier Camarena (Ernesto) joined by the voices of Bottega Donizetti students Giulia Mazzola (Norina) and Dario Sogos (Dottor Malatesta) reaffirming once again the Bergamasque event's desire to be a springboard for new voices. The cast is completed by Fulvio Valenti (a notario). On the podium is the young Mexican Iván López-Reynoso, who will lead theDonizetti Opera Orchestra and the Accademia Teatro alla Scala Chorus prepared by Salvo Sgrò. "We are talking," says conductor López Reynoso, "about a title that completely revolutionizes the operatic aesthetic of the time. In Don Pasquale Donizetti finds a perfect balance, never seen before, between comedy and drama, situations and characters that make people laugh but are also simultaneously very serious, even painful. Let us also not forget that Donizetti uses the "consumer" music of his time in his score: in particular, the waltz. His music is full of waltzes, explicit or only evoked, starting with the ternary rhythm of the first cabaletta of Don Pasquale, "Un foco insolito." When it was written, it was a "modern" opera, interwoven with the music of its time, and for that reason, too, it immediately stood out. I would add that at the time of Don Pasquale Donizetti's art was at its peak. The delicacy and refinement with which many pages are written is remarkable, and often small details are enough to give them character." The production is by director Amélie Niemeyer (reprised by Giulia Giammona), with sets and costumes by Maria-Alice Bahra, choreography by Dustin Klein and lighting by Tobias Löffler. "Donizetti is an



Dopo due secoli torna sul palcoscenico la rarità donizettiana nella versione del 1824 Alberto Zanardi sul podio dell’orchestra con strumenti antichi Gli Originali L’allestimento, con la regia di Bruno Ravella, è coprodotto con il Festival di Wexford Nel cast il tenore Konu Kim, il soprano Zuzana Marková nel ruolo del titolo e il mezzosoprano Cecilia Molinari Prima del debutto Donizetti Talk alla Biblioteca Mai e l’anteprima under 30 Teatro Sociale, Bergamo sabato 9 novembre, ore 17 (Biblioteca “Angelo Mai” - Donizetti Talk) mercoledì 13 novembre, ore 17 (anteprima under 30) sabato 16 novembre, ore 20 (Turno A) domenica 24 novembre, ore 15.30 (fuori abbonamento) domenica 1 dicembre, ore 15.30 (Turno C) Nel 2024, oltre a celebrare le dieci edizioni del Donizetti Opera, ricorre il bicentenario del debutto di Zoraida di Granata – primo grande successo del compositore bergamasco – andata in scena al Teatro Argentina di Roma in una prima versione nel 1822 e poi nel 1824, nella stesura che per la prima volta in tempi moderni viene riproposta a Bergamo, al Teatro Sociale, sabato 16 novembre alle ore 20 (repliche domenica 24 novembre e domenica 1° dicembre, ore 15.30). Si tratta naturalmente dell’opera scelta per il ciclo #donizetti200 che ogni anno propone nel programma festivaliero un titolo che compie i due secoli. Il debutto di questa rarità sarà preceduta da un nuovo Donizetti Talk, sabato 9 novembre alle ore 17.00 alla Biblioteca Mai e poi al Teatro Sociale, a cura dell’Area scientifica del festival, che ha per tema appunto Zoraida di Granata e vedrà impegnati i musicologi Edoardo Cavalli e Paolo Fabbri e la partecipazione del direttore d’orchestra Alberto Zanardi e del regista Bruno Ravella. Il pubblico avrà poi la possibilità di accedere alle prove d’insieme dell’opera ed assistere in anteprima ad una scena della nuova produzione. Per partecipare è consigliata la prenotazione su Mercoledì 13 novembre alle ore 17.00 sarà invece il pubblico dei giovani a poter assistere all’opera grazie all’anteprima under 30, il cui biglietto ha un costo di 10 euro. Zoraida di Granata, composta da Donizetti su libretto di Bartolomeo Merelli e – per la versione che debuttò al Teatro Argentina di Roma il 7 gennaio 1824 – di Jacopo Ferretti sarà proposta con un allestimento frutto della coproduzione con il Wexford Festival Opera che, lo scorso anno, ha presentato lo stesso titolo ma nella versione del 1822; in entrambi i casi l’edizione critica è stata curata da Edoardo Cavalli per la Fondazione Teatro Donizetti. Regista dello spettacolo è Bruno Ravella, nato a Casablanca con origini italiane e polacche, studi in Francia e adesso stabile a Londra; scene e costumi sono di Gary McCann. Il cast comprende Konu Kim (Almuzir, unico interprete in comune con il festival irlandese), Zuzana Marková (Zoraida), Cecilia Molinari, (Abenamet) e gli Allievi della Bottega Donizetti Tuty Hernàndez (Almanzor), Lilla Takács (Ines) e Valerio Morelli (Alì). Sul podio Alberto Zanardi, giovane bacchetta cresciuta in questi anni “dietro le quinte” del festival, interprete nel 2023 del Piccolo compositore di musica, che sarà alla guida dell’orchestra di strumenti d’epoca Gli Originali. «Scorrendo i titoli riproposti con il progetto #donizetti200 – racconta Zanardi – questo è probabilmente il primo caso in



On the podium is festival music director Riccardo Frizza; direction is by Stephen Langridge As Elizabeth I the soprano Jessica Pratt, Roberto Devereux is tenor John Osborne, while Simone Piazzola will be Nottingham and Raffaella Lupinacci Sara The premiere will be preceded by the Donizetti Talk in-depth meeting and open rehearsal and the preview dedicated to the under 30s Teatro Donizetti, Bergamo Friday, Nov. 8, 5 p.m.30 (Donizetti Talk) Tuesday, Nov. 12, 5 p.m. (preview under 30) Friday, Nov. 15, 8 p.m. (non-subscription) Saturday, Nov. 23, 8 p.m. (non-subscription - as an option to Round C) Thursday, Nov. 28, 8 p.m. (Round A)   The debut of the first title to be staged at Teatro Donizetti is approaching: Roberto Devereux, one of Gaetano Donizetti's most beloved operas scheduled for Friday, Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. (replays on Saturday, Nov. 23 and Thursday, Nov. 28, also at 8 p.m.). So we are just a few days away from the official start of the 10th edition of the Donizetti Opera festival, an event of international significance dedicated to the composer from Bergamo and by the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti chaired by Giorgio Berta with the general direction of Massimo Boffelli, the artistic direction of Francesco Micheli and the musical direction of Riccardo Frizza. An unfailing stop toward the premiere of Roberto Devereux the Donizetti Talk scheduled for Friday, Nov. 8 at 5:30 p.m. in the Riccardi Room of the Donizetti Theater with musicologists from the festival's Scientific Area Livio Aragona and Maurizio Merisio and the participation of conductor Riccardo Frizza and director Stephen Langridge. The audience will then have the opportunity to access the ensemble rehearsal of the opera and thus preview a scene from the new production. Reservations are recommended to attend at On Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 5 p.m., it will instead be the youth audience that will be able to attend the opera thanks to theunder-30 preview, tickets for which cost 10 euros. "Roberto Devereux is my favorite Donizetti opera," has repeatedly had occasion to declare the festival's music director Riccardo Frizza, who, after having performed it around the world, will be on the podium of the Donizetti Opera Orchestra bringing to the music stands the National Edition realized by Casa Ricordi in collaboration with and with the contribution of the City of Bergamo and the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti edited by Julia Lockhart, published in 2022. "Roberto Devereux is a masterpiece, indeed perhaps Donizetti's masterpiece, at least in the field of Italian opera," Frizza emphasizes. "It is the title of the turning point, of complete maturity. There will be other masterpieces, especially French ones, but none will move the bar of Donizettian inspiration higher. By force: a very strong and passionate story, with well-drawn characters, an extraordinary figure of a power woman in love, great musical invention and a great formal freedom, transcending the closed forms that were still the rule of melodrama at the time. And, in the end, an altogether unusual subject, unique, I think, in Donizetti's


“D’incanto”: the reopening of Bergamo’s Donizetti Theater after restoration

Starting Friday, May 28, a month-long celebration of guided tours, performances and concerts under the banner of the diverse art forms that enliven the city theater's programmingTicket reservations starting Tuesday, May 11 Nearly a year has passed since there were hopes to reopen the doors of Bergamo's restored Donizetti Theater to the public-a year marked by unexpected and unpredictable happenings. In spite of everything, the Donizetti Theater Foundation has continued to work and produce when possible (e.g., the all-streamed Donizetti Opera festival in November 2020) while waiting to finally welcome the public into the theater. Now the conditions for resuming performance activities seem to be more propitious, and from Friday, May 28, the public will be able to visit the restored Donizetti Theater and participate in the first activities, a month-long reopening festival that is a summation of the diverse expressions that have a home on this stage."At last we can announce the reopening of the Donizetti Theater," Giorgio Gori, mayor of Bergamo, stresses: a fundamental piece of our city and its cultural life is rekindled after a long and meticulous restoration, the result of the commitment of so many parties and the fruitful collaboration between the public and private sectors. I would like to thank all those who have made this achievement possible, the offices of the City of Bergamo, the Donizetti Theater Foundation, the sponsors and public and private partners, and the companies that have maintained, despite the pandemic emergency, the expectations on the timing of the completion of the construction site. After Donizetti Opera 2020, which marked, even if only by streaming and without an audience, the restart of performances in our most important theater, we are now ready to reopen to the city: on the calendar there are already many initiatives, to allow Bergamasks - who have always been great theater lovers - to return to enjoy the atmosphere of the renovated Donizetti. We are also working to improve the public space of our city center around the theater, and this 2021 will be a year of profound renewal for the Sentierone space, a system of which the Donizetti is a candidate to be the beating heart. Let's hope that the pandemic situation will continue to improve and that we can, safely, gradually bring audiences back to our country's theaters: culture can really be the key to grieving and mourning the pandemic in our area and to relaunch Bergamo, with the great appointment of the Italian Capital of Culture 2023, shared with its cousins in Brescia, to act as a stimulus and horizon for this sector that has been so hard hit over the past year. Welcome back Donizetti Theater." "D'incanto" is the title of the reopening journey, which thus begins with a weekend(May 28, 29 and 30) featuring a continuous program of theatricalized, original and immersive guided tours called Donizetti On - Live from an idea, text and direction by Francesco Venturi. An audio guide makes sure that it is the theater itself that speaks

“D’incanto”: the reopening of Bergamo’s Donizetti Theater after restoration2024-11-07T16:53:29+01:00
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