SUPER GREEN PASS and MASK FFP2 compulsory for theatres
The public is hereby informed that, in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree of 24 December 2021, access to spaces open to the public managed by the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti (Teatro Donizetti, Teatro Sociale and Casa natale di Donizetti) will be allowed only to persons in possession of a Super Green Pass and mask FFP2. Verification of the Super Green Pass will be carried out at the entrance to the theatre by the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti's staff and will be done by showing the QR code of the green certificate and a valid identity document. Those who are not in possession of either of these documents will not be allowed to attend the performance or visit. We would also like to remind you that a mask FFP2 must be worn during the whole visit or performance. In order to speed up the verification of certifications, the Fondazione Teatro Donizetti will increase the number of access points for the public. At the same time, the Foundation invites all spectators and visitors to cooperate as much as possible. We thank you for your attention. The Donizetti Theatre Foundation of Bergamo