Donizetti Education

The cultural heritage constituted by the music of the past and of a great composer such as Gaetano Donizetti must be enhanced by continuing to dialogue with the present. A privileged place for this dialogue can only be the school, a fundamental junction between the past and the future.
For the 2024/2025 school year, we await all kindergarten boys and girls at the unfailing puppet shows of Daniele Cortesi, an artist and craftsman right out of our Bergamo, capable of making all stories magical through his creations. The shows are participatory, thus involving audience interaction with choirs and simple objects made at school. A singer or musician from the Donizetti Theater Foundation will go to all registered schools for a workshop and then we look forward to seeing you at the theater in May! There will be no shortage of workshops and guided tours of all the Foundation’s evocative venues: the Donizetti Theater, the Teatro Sociale and the house where our Gaetano was born in the upper town.

We are also expecting all teachers on October 19,
for an intensive training day at the Donizetti Theater.

Educational projects for preschools, primary and secondary schools

Opera can be a dual resource being an opportunity both for knowledge in the most didactic sense of the term and for personal education and experience. Its didactic value, which makes it unique and unparalleled, is that of being the result of the interaction between different linguistic and communicative codes (musical, iconic, literary), lending itself, therefore, for interdisciplinary confrontation with school didactics. The educational value, then, lies in its subject matter: the work stages human stories and events and with them the joys, sorrows, achievements and desires of man, told through the words and gestures of the protagonists of the works. From time to time their emotions, their thoughts are narrated and, in this sense, opera is at the service of that emotional education of children, which is promoted in the school environment today. This is the new direction that moves the proposals of Donizetti Educational: emphasizing the figure of Donizetti as a Master of Emotions and enhancing the multidisciplinary nature intrinsic in opera itself.

Donizetti Educational. Digital Experience

Educational project for Primary and Secondary Schools in Bergamo and Province.

Donizetti educational. Digital experience is the new digital initiative dedicated to Gaetano Donizetti and intended for the world of schooling. It will be for the first time free of charge and entirely in digital format, to provide support and a concrete contribution at such difficult stages in the educational journey of the youngest. Donizetti’s theater and music are intended to be a resource for schools. Thus, fundamental tools will be made available for an original and age-appropriate itinerary to discover the new Donizetti Theater , which, as soon as possible, will reopen its doors to welcome the public: such a fundamental moment for the Foundation and the City must be prepared and shared with the youngest. This is a way to introduce students to the city theater, its history, innovations and changes brought about by the restoration.

The course, from April 6, 2021 until the end of the school year, is differentiated according to school cycle and includes a three-part documentary video at the restored Donizetti Theater, combined with a package of educational activities that will provide a true educational experience to learn about Donizetti and the world of theater.

Meetings can be run independently by teachers with full digital support delivered through Gsuite_Classroom platform.

Each meeting includes:
– video documentary of the restored Donizetti Theater;
– video comprehension quiz;
– in-depth material (Video for elementary / .ppt for middle and high school);
– an activity sheet based on listening to songs and sound tracks. Topics:
1) The theater (when it was born, where it is located, how it is made, the parts of which it is composed…)
2)The house of opera (What is opera, the artists, the libretto…)
3) Gaetano and his trustees (Who is Gaetano, Donizetti in Bergamo, the operas…) Donizetti ON
For high school students, through their teachers, a 50% discount coupon for the visit can be activated at the end of the course.

The proposal is for all primary and secondary schools in Bergamo and Province. Each registered contact teacher can register their class group for the digital visit experience by filling out the form below. To access the activity Donizetti Educational. Digital Experience : – iscrizione attraverso il form;
– attivazione di un account didattica;
– accesso a Classroom.


Gaetano, Gioppino e l’Elisir d’amore

Dramaturgy, texts and puppets by Daniele Cortesi
With Daniele Cortesi and his puppets
Tenor Giovanni Dragano
Accordionist Gino Zambelli
Verse by Felice Romani
Music by Gaetano Donizetti
Daniele Cortesi’s play tries to explain, with freedom and imagination, how the inspiration for composing L’elisir d’amore might have originated in Gaetano Donizetti, and it ventures the not impossible friendship between the composer Gaetano Donizetti and the character of Gioppino Zuccalunga, both from Bergamo and both born in the late 18th century. The story takes place in Bergamo, in places dear to his fellow citizens: the charming Piazza Vecchia and the beautiful theater that, many years later, was dedicated to the Bergamasque musician himself. To comment live on the scenes, the most famous arias from L’Elisir, played live and sung by a tenor, provide an evocative accompaniment. A truly choral comedy, in which the characters of Gaetano Donizetti and his future wife Virginia play the roles of Nemorino and Adina, respectively, the protagonists of the melodramma giocoso L’elisir d’amore. Gaetano Donizetti, a young and very shy composer, falls in love with the beautiful Virginia who, like him, adores music. His friend Gioppino incites the composer to declare his love, perhaps dedicating a sweet serenade to the girl, but…
The very young audience participates in a 90-minute in-school workshop in preparation for the opera to learn the choruses.

  • PLACE: Ridotto Gavazzeni – Donizetti Theater
  • DATE: April 2, 2025 – 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
  • DURATION: 90 minutes – workshop // 1 hour – performance
  • COST: € 11 including workshop, ticket and teaching materials

Tano di Lammermoor

A project by Manuel Renga and Simone Dini Gandini
Dramaturgy by Simone Dini Gandini
Directed by Manuel Renga
With Daniele Cortesi and his puppets
And with Leonardo Moroni, Roberto Dibitonto, Francesca Longa
Musical supervision by Alberto Zanardi
Little Tano (a very young Gaetano Donizetti) is 7 years old and has a stormy temper. A quarrel with his parents is just around the corner: this time the cause of his anger is his refusal to eat spinach and his demand to eat only and exclusively cake. So what? To bed without dinner.
So far nothing new in the Donizetti household, but what’s going on in Tano’s bedroom?
The young musician vents all his anger on his toys: he puts on his daddy’s jacket, draws a mustache and starts giving orders left and right. He forces the beautiful Lucia (a beautiful puppet) to marry the villainous Lord Bucklaw (a puppet with a wicked grin), forces the Colonel (a Scottish puppet with a multi-decorated grin) to guard Lammermoor Castle, and finally charges his musician puppet, forcing him to play continuously.
But the toys have a secret: they are alive! Until now, the Rule of Rules had never been violated; it dictates that no toy can be seen alive by human children.
After a series of vicissitudes and anguish, the rule is broken and Gaetano finds himself talking, reasoning and arguing with his toys: together with them he will go on a journey of growth that will lead him to understand that obligations and deception are never a good idea and that everyone has rights but also duties.
So while eating (not without effort) spinach, he will allow Lucia to meet and marry her lover Edgardo. Who knows if, impressed by the magical events of that night, Tano will decide to devote himself to music and write a beautiful opera dedicated precisely to Lucia di Lammermoor.
The very young audience participates in a 90-minute in-school workshop in preparation for the opera to learn the choruses.

  • PLACE: Ridotto Gavazzeni – Donizetti Theater
  • DATE: May 20 and 21, 2025 – 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
  • DURATION: 90 minutes – workshop // 1 hour – performance
  • COST: € 11 including workshop, ticket and teaching materials


Meet Gaetano

Taking a cue from Gaetano’s life, the places and habits of the young musician, we are immersed in a musical, historical, visual, vocal and bodily experience all to be experienced in the first person.
Ti presento Gaetano is a project that links the discovery of Donizetti’s Città Alta and the places where he grew up to a musical and vocal workshop. A double journey to discover Gaetano as a master of emotions.
The interactive visit to Casa Natale and Teatro Sociale, exclusively open, comes alive with narrative moments both about the figure of the composer and the world of opera. A real journey possible thanks to the urban layout of the Upper Town still identical to that of Gaetano’s time.
The workshop starting with vocal and body tuning leads participants to sing and stage short pieces of famous Operas by Gaetano Donizetti. The proposals are structured to accommodate children of different age groups from kindergarten to Primary and Secondary school.
The experience includes access to Casa Natale and Teatro Sociale based on space availability and at the discretion of the Donizetti Theatre Foundation.

  • PLACE: Birthplace and/or Social Theater (depending on space availability)
  • DATES: January to May 2025 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • DURATION: 3 hours (up to 2 classes at a time)
  • COST: € 100 per class


“Donizetti Education” training day 2024|2025

Project carried out in collaboration with Territorial School Office

For many years, the Donizetti Theater Foundation has offered training sessions for teachers of schools of all levels, from kindergarten to high school.
Educational meetings have always been held in extracurricular hours, using in-person and online workshops and lectures, and often making use of particle sessions in singing and music, as well as manual skills for the lower school orders and in collaboration with ATS and psychological operators and educators for adolescents, aiming for multidisciplinarity and fluency of skills. Participation has always been very high, especially among compulsory school teachers who numbered 150 in the current school year. The training sessions have always been designed in preparation for students’ participation in the performances offered by the Donizetti Theater Foundation, with the aim of providing teachers with the teaching tools and notions to then be able to personally work in the classroom with their students. In recent years, however, the need has arisen to expand the educational offerings for teachers, creating an opportunity for them as potential users of the Foundation’s artistic proposals, but also as protagonists in the education of young audiences.

For this reason, for the 2024/2025 school year, the Donizetti Theater Foundation has decided to offer an intensive day of unified training, aimed at all teachers of all grade levels, with the purpose of providing notions and teaching tools to all teachers who intend to broaden their interest in opera and Gaetano Donizetti. At the same time, the course will provide suggestions for being able to pass on some skills to students.
The course will be a single day, for the total duration of 8 hours in which there will be moments dedicated to all, and specific moments for each school order.
Participation will be totally free, and printed and digital educational materials will be provided.
Attendance at the course does not include compulsory class enrollment in the Donizetti Theater Foundation’s performances and educational projects; it is intended to be an opportunity for teachers to study and deepen their knowledge regardless of the actual impact on their classes. This decision stems from the desire to involve teachers first and foremost as privileged interlocutors and bearers of culture to the new generations, in accordance with the guidelines of the Foundation’s statute.

  • PLACE: Music Hall “M. Tremaglia” – Donizetti Theater
  • DATE: October 19, 2024 – 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • DURATION: full day
  • COST: free of charge



Opera Education is AsLiCo ‘s Italian platform that promotes passion for opera in young audiences. The Fondazione Teatro Donizetti hosts annual performances for the musical and opera education of children and young people, fun educational paths between school and theater.

Primary and secondary school

La Cenerentola. Grand Hotel dei sogni

Social Theater
March 6 and 7, 2022

For the 2021/2022 season, Opera Education AsLiCo together with its co-producing partners Théâtre des Champs Elysées and Opéra de Rouen will present Rossini’s opera La Cenerentola. Daniele Menghini, vincitore del concorso per il progetto di regia, porterà in scena una delle fiabe più famose e amate dal pubblico.
Nella versione di Rossini, sorprendentemente, non ci troviamo di fronte ad una vera e propria fiaba, poiché il compositore ed il suo librettista Ferretti depurano la storia da tutti gli elementi magici e fiabeschi: non ci sono topi che si trasformano in cocchieri, nessuna zucca che si trasforma in una carrozza, non c’è la fata madrina e non c’è nemmeno la scarpetta di cristallo. La storia prende vita in un Grand Hotel: un melting pot di culture e classi sociali differenti, una dimensione che fa dello scambio e dell’incontro una ricchezza, un luogo speciale in cui un ospite illustre come un principe può incontrare e innamorarsi proprio di una cameriera, riconoscendo la vera bellezza che si nasconde dietro un grembiule sporco.

– €5 show viewing
– €12 show viewing + booklet

with the contribution of

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