Saturday, September 21, 2024 – 3:00 p.m. Sorgente Nossana – Ponte Nossa

Francesco D’Auria – Tino Tracanna “Spiritus Spiritus Duo” Special guest Michel Godard

Bergamo Jazz special event in collaboration with Uniacque

Dedicated to Sofi

Bergamo Jazz returns to the Seriana Valley for a special event produced in collaboration with Uniacque, the company that manages the water service in Bergamo and the province, which has been a partner of the Donizetti Theater Foundation and the Festival for many years. The concert, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 21, at Sorgente Nossana in Ponte Nossa (3 p.m.), will feature a trio formed by Frenchman Michel Godard, tuba, serpentone and electric bass, saxophonist Tino Tracanna and drummer and percussionist Francesco D’Auria. The concert will be dedicated to Claudio Giudici, known to all as Sofi, one of the founders of Clusone Jazz and a great friend of Bergamo Jazz, who recently passed away. “The Donizetti Theater Foundation is pleased to be able to further consolidate its partnership with Uniacque, on the occasion of a new concert at Sorgente Nossana in Ponte Nossa. For years Uniacque has been by our side sharing proposals and artistic vision: specifically in Bergamo Jazz, this is the third time we are proposing an event together, after the concerts of 2022 with Gianluigi Trovesi and 2023 with Francesco Chiapperini’s ensemble. An event that, this year, has a special meaning in the memory of one of the founders of Clusone Jazz, who has always been very close to our Festival. Bergamo Jazz is an international event that cultivates in parallel a strong relationship with the territory that hosts it: this is the perspective in which this third concert in Val Seriana fits,” comments Massimo Boffelli, General Manager of the Donizetti Theater Foundation. “What unites Uniacque and Fondazione Teatro Donizetti is the common vision of the role that music and culture can play in promoting and supporting other topical issues as well, such as sustainability, which concerns us all. This is why we chose Sorgente Nossana as the venue for the concert, sharing the desire to bring great jazz music to our Seriana Valley and to open the doors of one of the most important springs in our area. A unique opportunity to listen to extraordinary music in a setting as unusual as it is fascinating, which will allow the audience to understand the importance that water plays in our lives,” adds Pierangelo Bertocchi, CEO of Uniacque. The trio consisting of Michel Godard, Tino Tracanna and Francesco D’Auria starts from the idea of telling the story of music through a web of themes and improvisations. The need to tell their stories through music that cannot be labeled in predefined schemes helps the three musicians perceive musical language as the most appropriate vehicle of communication. The project moves in the great bed of jazz and the art of improvisation, but is complicit with the great cultures of the world, with an eye to the future and the search for a fresh and lively creative identity. Michel Godard has been one of the leading figures in European jazz for decades. A player of tuba and serpentone, a wind instrument that has its roots in the 16th century, to which he alternates the electric bass, he is established as a musician of extraordinary versatility, at ease both in the sphere of classical music and in contexts where improvisation prevails. In the latter sphere he has distinguished himself alongside Michel Portal, Louis Sclavis, Henri Texier, Antoine Hervé, Kenny Wheeler, Rabih Abou Khalil, Wolfgang Puschnig, Pierre Favre, Gianluigi Trovesi, Roberto Ottaviano, Danilo Rea and many others. Tino Tracanna is one of the most prominent Italian saxophonists of his generation. Having established himself by collaborating with Franco D’Andrea and then with Paolo Fresu, of whose quintet he is still a member, he has conceived numerous groups and projects, including Gesualdo, Affinità Elettive, for jazz quartet and orchestra, Acrobats and Double Cut. Francesco D’Auria is a drummer and percussionist whose versatility allows him to express himself in different contexts, even with the help of instruments of his own invention. He has been collaborating with Michel Godard since 2004 and has played with, among others, Paolo Fresu, Gianluigi Trovesi, Tony Scott, Garrison Fewell, Uri Caine, Gunter Sommer, Conny Bauer, Uwe Kropinski, Tamara Obrovac. INFORMATION Free admission by reservation with EventBrite at the link: In case of bad weather, the concert will be held at the Shrine of Our Lady of Tears in Ponte Nossa. The Sorgente Nossana can be reached on foot from the parking lot of the Ponte Nossa Sports Center, with a walk of about 20 minutes (1.5 km). During the concert, it is possible to take part in guided tours of the Spring: starting at 1:45 p.m., Uniacque staff will conduct No. 5 rounds of tours in groups of 15 people for each round. Each shift will last 15 minutes (1:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.) and will include a tour of the main pool. Only those who have previously booked for the concert may participate in the tours.