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Did Jesus explicitly intend to break with the Law? Yes and no. Yes, because he was executed for his harsh contestation of religious tradition and his proclamation of the kingdom of God in radical opposition to the powers of this world. No, because his rebellion was the result of a deeper obedience. Which one? To whom, to what? Vito Mancuso is an Italian theologian. He has taught Modern and Contemporary Theology at San Raffaele University in Milan and has been a professor of History of Theological Doctrines at the University of Padua. He currently teaches the master’s degree in Meditation and Neuroscience at the University of Udine. He has been a columnist for the daily newspaper “La Stampa” since 2022. His most successful books translated into other languages include: The Soul and its Destiny (Raffaello Cortina, 2007),

God and I. A guide of the perplexed (Garzanti, 2011), The passion principle. The force that drives us to love (Garzanti 2013), God and His Destiny (Garzanti 2015). His latest publications are The Mind in Love (2022), Ethics for Difficult Days (2022) , Never miss the joy. Short itinerary of liberation (2023) and Destination Hope (2024), all for Garzanti.

At the end of the meeting, the author will be available to the audience for signacopies.