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Perfect is the last theatrical monologue written by Mattia Torre, one of the most influential and active playwrights on the Italian television and theater scene who recently passed away, in which a month in the life of a woman is recounted, marked by the four phases of the female cycle. The absolute star is Geppi Cucciari, for the first time grappling with tones that do not favor comedy alone, but venture deeply into even more melancholy and dramatic nuances. On stage she plays a car saleswoman, wife and mother, who leads a regular life in which work, family, commitments and many responsibilities find their place. The story analyzes the Tuesdays of four different weeks, days identical in rhythm but different in perception: because of the variations in the four phases of the cycle, the protagonist’s moods, reactions, emotions and emotions change. Perfect tries to deal humbly, but also frontally, with a taboo about which men know very little and of which even many women are not so aware.
A monologue in which lashings of comedy and satire of manners, but also more bitter and profound reflections find their place, in a delicate attempt at female awareness and empowerment of which there seems to be a great need in our time.


texts and direction Mattia Torre with Geppi Cucciari assistant director Giulia Dietrich original music Paolo Fresu costumes Antonio Marras lighting design Luca Barbati production ITC2000

distribution Terry Chegia